Penzer Opticians invests in latest Optical Coherence Tomography technology

For many years Optical Coherence Tomography was used in eye hospitals and for research purposes only. But now this state-of-the-art eye technology is available in independent opticians; and Penzer Opticians has invested in a Zeiss Cirrus 4000 Optical Coherence Tomography machine and it is now available for use.
This test is not part of the NHS Eye Test but is performed as part of an extended eye test.
Optical Coherence Tomography utilises complex technology used to create images of the eye and, in particular, the layers of the retina. The retina is the light sensitive area at the back of the eye, equivalent to film in a camera or CCD in a digital camera.
Does the scan hurt?
The Optical Coherence Tomography test is simple and non-invasive, taking only a few minutes to complete. There are no flashing lights or other nasty surprises! The imaging test uses light waves to take cross-section pictures of your retina, the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye.
You will be seated by one of the Penzer optical receptionists in front of the Optical Coherence Tomography machine and will rest your head on a support to keep it still. The equipment will then scan your eye without touching it. Scanning takes about 5 to 10 minutes. If your eyes were dilated for the test, they may be sensitive to light for several hours after the exam.
What does the optician see by using Optical Coherence Tomography?
By using the Optical Coherence Tomography machine the optician is instantly given the results of your scan so he/she can pick up the earlier signs of deterioration in your eyes at a much earlier stage than normal. This means treatment options can be assessed and implemented before the problem becomes serious.
In addition, Optical Coherence Tomography is often used to evaluate disorders of the optic nerve. The optic nerve is made up of many nerve fibres and sends signals from the retina to the brain. These signals are interpreted as the images you see. The Optical Coherence Tomography exam is helpful in determining changes to the fibres of the optic nerve, such as those caused by glaucoma.
Now watch the video below to see in more detail how it all works.
The Optical Coherence Tomography test is not provided by the NHS on a free basis. You will need to book an appointment for the test, for which there is a charge of just £25.
It is important to know just how healthy your eyes are and the Optical Coherence Tomography exam will reveal their state in detail. So if you value the care of your eyes, act now by booking an OCT appointment with Penzer Opticians on 0121 430 5538.