NHS Eye Test

NHS eye test for free? How do you know if you qualify for and are you entitled to a free NHS eye test?

The NHS eye test is free to:

● Anyone under 16 years old
● Those who are under 19 and are in full time education
● People who are over 60
● Anyone on low income support, income based job seekers allowance, working family tax credit, or disabled person’s tax credit
● Those requiring certain complex lenses, such as a high prescription. Just ask us for further details
● Anyone with glaucoma or diabetes
● Those over 40 who are the brother, sister or child of someone with glaucoma

An NHS eye test is recommended every two years

The NHS recommends that you visit an ophthalmic practitioner (opticians) for an eye test every two years, or sooner if you’ve been asked to do so. This is important because an eye test can detect potentially blinding eye conditions. It is easy to neglect your eyes because they rarely hurt when there is a problem. In many cases it is not possible to restore the vision that has been lost, but it is sometimes possible to stop or slow down the loss of vision.

If you want more information about an NHS eye test you can contact the NHS directly about contributions towards the cost of spectacles, or just call us on 0121 430 5538 for details.