
Penzer Opticians open during lockdown 2 and is a COVID-19 secure environment

To all our patients, we hope you are well and staying safe in these turbulent times.

The team at award winning PENZER OPTICIANS wanted to reassure you that the practice is OPEN during lockdown 2 from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm Tuesday to Friday and Saturday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm to support your continuing eyecare needs in these unprecedented times.

We continue to provide eye examinations, repairs and patient care in our COVID SECURE practice at The Maypole (opposite Aldi).

Whether you need to book an appointment, or just want someone to talk to, there will always be a friendly voice at the end of the phone ready to help you with your requirements.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please do not turn up unannounced but call ahead on 0121 430 5538 to make an appintment.

Kind regards

The team at award winning PENZER OPTICIANS